Heartbreaking Moment “Mobile Skeleton” Of Thailand’S Oldest Elephant After Being Starved For A Long Time

This is the dramatic moment rescuers battled to save a starving elephant that was found ‘days from death’ after it was neglected at a Thai tourist camp closed by coronavirus.

Tragically, the elephant was left to starve – becoming so thin that his bones were protruding from his skin.

Khun Pan was found covered in sores from where he had been laying on hard, dusty ground, while his long ivory tusks had started to weaken and crack.

Shocked locals alerted vets after they saw the jumbo’s heartbreaking condition over the weekend.

Medics from an animal hospital in nearby Pattaya arrived at the Chang Siam Park on Saturday and found the elephant was too weak to stand on its own as it was just a few days from death.

They had to hoist the elephant up with leather straps which was attached to a nearby tree to give it support and help it stand. The medics also gave an IV drip with saline solution to rehydrate the jumbo.

Lee said: ‘I have 37 elephants at the camp and they’re all struggling. However, Khun Pan is the weakest elephant because of his old age.

‘The pandemic has meant there are no tourists and I don’t have any income to feed them. I don’t know what else to do.’

Lee, who also runs shows with monkeys in fancy dress riding bikes, said the elephants at the camp used to generate income from controversial shows – performing tricks for tourists and giving rides.

He added: ‘I will try my best to take care or them. I hope they can get proper care from an expert. If there are no more tourists, I will take them back to my village.’

Vets and kind locals who arrived at the park on Saturday fed some much-needed bananas and sugarcane to the starving elephant.

He was a little stronger the next day as vets continued tending to the sores and cuts across his frail body.

Despite concerns for the elephant’s Health, Khun Pan was allowed to stay at the park – and was still there today.


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