Ron & Jen’s Great Escape – Dec. 28, 2022 – Ron St. Pierre and Jen Brien
by Ron St. Pierre & Jen Brien, contributing writers , commentary NEW YEAR FRESH START I love the beginning of a New Year! It’s filled with hope and excitement for what may be. I’ve learned all these years later (as far as I’m concerned) not to make resolutions or promises to myself, as I set myself up for failure. I do, however, begin each New Year with an idea of how I’d like it to go, but stay open to lots of detours and paths I don’t see coming. I can’t change things around me, but I can change my attitude towards them and approach them differently. I hope that I’m not who I was last year because I’d like to think I’ve outgrown 2022 and learned a lot along the way. I think, even if nothing particularly extraordinary happened last year, I can say I was provided for, protected, and loved by God. That’s a lot! Hey, here’s to 2023! Another shot to become who we are all destined to be. Whatever THAT is....